Engaged Reading Time - Issue #53

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Humpday Reading Edition

I've had a productive week so far, so here's a bonus edition of the free "interesting links" version of the newsletter — that will still be of interest to my paying subscribers, too.

Lead Story

Twitter says it wants to solve the “journalists’ careers end because someone digs up an old tweet” problem.

Twitter says it wants to solve the “journalists’ careers end because someone digs up an old tweet” problem.

Well, now. This could be very interesting.

Platform Pain & Pleasure

Facebook is reportedly locking users out for reporting fake accounts

Facebook is reportedly locking users out for reporting fake accounts

This is an on-going problem with the big platforms. It's quite possible for you to have your account effectively closed with no recourse. How comfortable are you building a business on there knowing that?

How Pinterest Built One of Silicon Valley’s Most Successful Algorithms

How Pinterest Built One of Silicon Valley’s Most Successful Algorithms

Pinterest is massively under-reported and discussed. And they're doing great things.

Mozilla unveils 28 horror stories about YouTube’s recommendation algorithm

Mozilla unveils 28 horror stories about YouTube’s recommendation algorithm

Ugh. Just ugh. YouTube is a cesspool, and will remain so until a wider swathe of society takes it more seriously.

A brief diversion into politics

David Cameron’s For the Record ends where the sorriest three years in modern British history begins

David Cameron’s For the Record ends where the sorriest three years in modern British history begins

Interesting look at Cameron's memoirs from somebody who was, until recently, part of the Tory party. Spoilers: Gove does not come out well…

Online Community

Shakesville’s unravelling and the not-so-golden age of blogging

Shakesville’s unravelling and the not-so-golden age of blogging

This one pokes at the idea that crusty old netizens like myself sometimes promote - that the early days of the net were nicer. And there's lots of interesting stuff in here about community management.

The Anxiety-Inducing Peril of Old Slack Posts

The Anxiety-Inducing Peril of Old Slack Posts

Your company gets bought. Your Slack suddenly gets merged with your new owner - and their culture is very different. Where does that go?

Payment changes at Meetup

This is about to make most uses of Meetup unaffordable. Why the sudden cash grab? Let's see. Meetup is owned by… *checks notes* …WeWork. Ah-ha.


How Over 25 People Got Scammed Into Working At A Nonexistent Game Company

How Over 25 People Got Scammed Into Working At A Nonexistent Game Company

I know gaming is a desirable industry, but…

What's Going On With Young Women Scribbling Out Their Faces On Insta? We Investigate

What's Going On With Young Women Scribbling Out Their Faces On Insta? We Investigate

Fascinating dive into the psychology and culture developing around some platforms.

Zuck and Politics

That's not all all worrying. Nope. Not at all.



See you at the weekend, or tomorrow for members.

Hope your week is going well!
