Commonplace Reading - Issue #17
Hello, again. It's been a few months since I got one of these out.
Well, in all honesty, this is the first issue this year. But I'm trying to get back into the rhythm of blogging and news letting writing for reasons outlined in this post.
I've got quite a bit on my mind, which I'll explore in coming newsletters, but much of it revolves around the idea that we're letting digital determine what we do, rather than actively shaping what digital becomes. We need to be more active architects of our own future — and you folks, by signing up to a curated newsletter like this are the sorts of people who might be able to do just that.
So, like I said, "Hello again".
Have some links:
The Journo Business
Is Trump Trolling the White House Press Corps?
There seems to be a debate underway about the Trump administration: is it manipulative or incompetent? This piece makes a compelling argument that the press's own vanity makes it open to manipulation.
How do you succeed with subscriptions? We asked Amedia's Pål Nedregotten
This was one of the great stories from WAN-IFRA's Digital Media Europe event. I liveblogged it, but this is a more detailed interview.
We need a conversation about the ethics of digital doorstepping
My most successful recent post. In light of the Manchester tragedy, I wonder if we're not mindlessly porting an idea from the pre-digital days into an environment where it does way more harm than good.
Digital transition
Amazon adds live TV channels to Prime Video
Another step towards TV becoming a completely streaming service. Our TV is never tuned to conventional broadcast unless my mother-in-law is visiting.
Did Disney Ruin Pixar?
On one hand, a great company is clearly in decline. On the other, Disney has become Pixar. I wonder if we might see the Pixar name fade over time.
In Wreckage of the Fyre Festival, Fury, Lawsuits and an Inquiry
Compelling look at how influencer-driven companies can , essentially, be built of nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Good Readin'
Apple’s New Campus: An Exclusive Look Inside the Mothership
This is a long read, but it tells you much about Apple as a company — and the fact that their new campus was Steve Jobs' last major project makes it all the more fascinating.
Male Affection: A Photographic History Tour
A fascinating insight into how our ideas of friendship and sexuality have changed over the last couple of centuries.
The Curse of Being Labeled a Star
A guidebook on how to screw up your top performers. A lesson for all managers here.
Subscribe: Our Man Inside
Christian Payne (often known as Documentally) writes an e-mail I enjoy pretty much every week. If you like my newsletter, you'll love his one.
And that's it for this issue. If you've enjoyed it, then please forward it on to someone who you think would appreciate it!
Until next time (which will hopefully be less than 5 months away….)