Commonplace Reading - Issue #3

Due to a hectically busy week, this week's reading is brought to you by the tabs that have been lurking, unread, on my MacBook Pro. And there's some great material here, even if some of it is a few weeks old. Not a terrible way to spend Friday evening. And, yes, wine was involved again.

Slow content FTW.

The Problem of Publishing

LinkedIn is once again driving big traffic to publishers

LinkedIn is once again driving big traffic to publishers

This is a surprise - but one worth paying attention to.

Photojournalists, You’re Not Special by Profession Anymore

Photojournalists, You’re Not Special by Profession Anymore

Get thee to the video editing suite, oh photographer. It's all about visual storytelling…

Women are being marginalised by news websites, study finds

Women are being marginalised by news websites, study finds

Photos of women, quotes from men. Pretty clear message there.

Condé Nast and digital media

Key quote: "Taking a print person and throwing them at a digital problem is no different from taking the head of NBC News and making her the editor in chief of the New Yorker, or vice versa. These skills sets are not transitive."

Why the 'brands as publishers' trend is utter nonsense

Why the 'brands as publishers' trend is utter nonsense

A provocative view - but it's at least somewhat borne out by my experience that many brands claim to want a journalistic approach to their content - and then completely fail to provide an environment when it can happen.

Stop Complaining About Vertical Video

I have officially recanted my anti-vertical video stance. Snapchat is a thing, and that's vertical all the way. As the consumption vice changes, so does the visual language.

Tech and Culture

Digital ethics, a high priority for 2016 as AI creeps into our lives - diginomica

Digital ethics, a high priority for 2016 as AI creeps into our lives - diginomica

This is a huge issue, that we're only just starting to think about as a society.

How the smartphone changed everything, or, the rise of BYOD in the workplace

How the smartphone changed everything, or, the rise of BYOD in the workplace

One thing that keeps me away from a "real" job is the idea of using corporate IT again. Maybe, I won't have to (should I ever succumb to the lure of regular income again).

My Bathroom Mirror Is Smarter Than Yours

My Bathroom Mirror Is Smarter Than Yours


YouTube Personalities Use 'Minecraft' to Prey on Underage Fans

This is the dark, worrying side of so many adults - and most of the media - under-estimating the whole YouTube/Twitch phenomenon.

Life, Money and Aquatic Plastic

By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the sea

By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the sea

This is one of these hidden issues that are serious, but nigh invisible to most of the population. My daughter and I spent an hour picking plastic off the beach this morning.

The failure of Davos

The failure of Davos

Is the WEF's annual bash in Switzerland ultimately pointless? (Full Disclosure: I came second in an interview process for a job with the WEF four years ago…)

The strange life of Q-tips, the most bizarre thing people buy


My Dad used to. I've worked very hard not to inherit the habit.


Trail Angel on Vimeo

Trail Angel on Vimeo

This is beautiful. And challenging.


Got anything you think I should read? Or any feedback? Drop me a line.

See you next week…