Commonplace Reading - Issue #8
Half the journalism world is swanning around an Italian town, talking pretentiously about the future of news, and I'm on my sofa surrounded by Duplo and trying to get the first issue of this newsletter in an age out.
My life is glamour. But apparently I'm a media analyst now. So there's that.
Oh, and I have red wine.
On with the links!
If you read nothing else…
Sleep deprivation is not a badge of honor
Basically, if you're playing the competitive "I'm so tired" game, you're an idiot. (I have small children. I have an excuse.)
Scenes from the collapse of western civilisation
Secret Life of a Sexy Waiter at the All-Male Answer to Hooters
Gentlemen who serve the ladies. And some of the gentlemen, too.
How a TV Sitcom Triggered the Downfall of Western Civilization
Friends: the harbinger of the idiocracy
Batman v Superman was trashed by critics. Fans think it’s because Marvel paid them.
Nah. It's just shit.
Brought to eBook
Are paper books really disappearing?
If the printed word becomes a thing of the past, it may affect how we think. But how often does a new thing completely destroy an old thing? Remember how film completely destroyed theatre? Oh, right…
Do You Read Differently Online and in Print?
This is a great read that goes beyond the normally clickbait headlines to poke into the reality of the situation with some actual research and stuff.
You're all a bunch of charlatans
I’m Not Living The Dream
Maybe the whole "digital nomad" thing isn't as cool and sexy as it sounds.
My Year in Startup Hell at Hubspot
Dan Lyons, the journalist and former fake Stave Jobs, took a job with a marketing startup. Hilarity ensued. And then horror. Everything that's wrong with "startup" culture is here.
Instagram Algorithm Makes Influencers Beg For Notifications
There's something utterly delightful about seeing social media "influencers" in abject panic…
Watch this
Fencing Visualized
A very long time ago, I was a national-level fencer, part of the Scottish Epee youth team. This video visualisation of the movement in the sport really brings it all back.
Nothing to do with chainlink or barbed wire. Yes, I've heard all those jokes.
A Metal Tribute to iPhone Ringtones
Just watch it. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.
Sorry about the extended delay on this issue. Rolling family illness has made life rather pressured. Hopefully we're all back on track now…
Send feedback. Or abuse. Or forward the newsletter on.
Or send wine. Wine is good.